The objective of this year's theme of the International Museum Day entitled "Museums as the Cultural Center: The Future of the Tradition" was to emphasize the importance of museums in modern society facing the challenges of rapid technological advancement. Accordingly, Jablanica Museum "The Battle for Wounded on Neretva River" set up the exhibition In the honor of the battle for humanity: 40 years of the Museum "Battle for Wounded on Neretva River" Jablanica. The exhibition shows the history of the museum through the socio - political transformations through which the Bosnian - Herzegovinian society has passed over the previous period and, accordingly, emphasizes its importance.

At the same time, in cooperation with the EU Info Center of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a video presentation entitled "Virtual Visit to European Museums" was held in the museum, during which visitors could meet with the most important European museums. Visitors of the museum had the opportunity to take a look at the part of the Albertina Museum and the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, to see some of the most famous and prestigious works exhibited at the Paris Louvre and the Acropolis Museum in Athens, and to join the millions of Europeans who celebrate the European Museum Night