From its beginning the Museum established a special library that contains a rich fund of historiographic publications and published historic sources on The Battle on the Neretva and the Second World War on the territory of Yugoslavia. Since 1984, the library contains the book fund of the public library and today it is also functioning as a local public library. The library's book fund is currently in the revising process and contains approximately 11,000 publications, and the library itself is currently in the reorganization process. The fund is continuously enriched by donations and purchases. The library is particularly proud of the periodical publications fund and the special fund. It has been confirmed that the oldest publication owned by the library is 1890 edition of Hermann and Dorothea, a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, published in Zagreb in 1890.
We recommend you to become a member of our Library. It is enough to come, join, get a membership card and become a user of all of our services.
Membership fee:
- Primary and secondary school students, university students and the unemployed 5.00 BAM
- Employed citizens 10.00 BAM
A part of the library material can also be used in the Library's reading room.